Saturday, December 3, 2011

Messages and Updates From Jane

July, 2012

The committee has set a date for our 50th Reunion. It will be held on the second weekend of July, 2014. Additional information will be posted as the committee gives out more details.

April, 2012

Well, it has been a long - but warm - winter. Now it is time to get back on course. The Committee has planned our first get together for 2012! Whoopee! I'm ready to quit typing and see everyone. So we are going to meet Tuesday, April 17 at Creekside Lodge at 6p - Hopefully on the deck! Just a casual ole get together with lots of fun and gossip - as usual. Hopefully, everyone in the Cville area can join us. If you are out of the area, please feel free to hop a "red eye" and parachute down. Someone will catch you - as long as you don't land in Sugar Creek. Please RSVP by Sunday so I can make arrangements. Thanks. Hope to see you all there. For those of you who have never joined us. Come on down! It's casual, it's fun, it's The Class of 1964!!

Hugs - Janie


I just realized that all of you told us all about your Christmas and I never told you about mine. It was the best Christmas ever --- Thanks to ALL of you. I so enjoyed hearing about you, your families and what you did. From the emails I have received, everyone enjoyed it. My personal Christmas was wonderful. Mike (my youngest and The Light of my Life) came home from DC on the 21st and left the 29th. We had a wonderful visit and he spoiled me - as usual. We had lots of gifts, great food, and Lots of Blessings. I didn't work at the restaurant while he was home. I never do. As you can tell, Mike was my Christmas. The weather here was nice and sunny - no snow. Actually it did snow one day while he was home but it quickly disappeared. We had a great visit. He is now in Guatemala (sp) till Jan 8th. So now I'm sad

The first year after our 45th I started doing this email thing. The second year I started collecting birthdays. So I was thinking about what I could do this year. I came up with another idea. I hope you agree with this. If not let me know and I will abide by the majority. I don't want to offend anyone. This year I thought I would send out a Memorium of our Classmate on the day they left us. When you recieve the mail take a moment of silence In Memory. I feel as though we may have forgotten and I don't want to forget. Maybe if you have a memory to share I could pass it along. For me, this kinda keeps them in the "fold".

I wish you all a Happy New Year! Thanks for all the support the last 2 years. I have loved keeping in touch and enjoyed your mail more than you know. What a great Class we are!! We Entered to Learn, We Went Forth to Serve, and We Remain as One!

Love and Hugs to All

December, 2011

To All My Classmates -

Merry Christmas to All!! I wish all of you health and happiness for always. The past couple of years has been a Blessing for me. Our Class is closer and stronger than ever before. I Love Each and Everyone of you and look forward to the 50th when we will all be together again.

Dear Lord -
I come to you at this time to Praise You on your Birthday. Please keep us all safe and in Your Care. Let us remember that You are the Reason For The Season. Thank You for your guidance in all my emails to my Class. To You we give all the Praise for bringing us together as One. We ask for Peace and Health and Happiness for us, our families and everyone around the World.
In Your Most Precious Name
I Pray

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All!!!


From Jane (Jones) Ryan

To All Classmates -

Penny Zachary-Middleton has graciously volunteered to assume Elaine's tradition of sending birthday, anniversay, thinking of you, get well, etc cards to the classmates. So Elaine's dedication will continue thru Penny. Elaine did this since graduation. She may not be physically with us anymore but her dedication will not cease. A BIG Thank You to Penny for volunteering to continue this tradition. I will be working closely with Penny, as I did with Elaine, to make sure she receives information as I know it.

I also want to Thank each of you for helping me when I call on you for info or whatever. We Are The Class of 64!! Together as One!!



Well, I think I have finally forwarded all the emails from Thanksgiving. Everyone enjoyed the emails from each of you. I had nothing but positive comments and everyone stating how much they enjoyed hearing from everyone. This turned out to be one of my better ideas. Amazing! Thanks to all of you who took time to do this. Those of you who couldn't this time maybe you can next time. Which brings up another idea. I'm famous for ideas - especially those that don't work! haha I am hoping to do this at Christmas also. Keep this in mind. What a great class we are! The BEST!!!! Now I want all of you to know something. I am not taking any "regrets" for the 50th Reunion. Absolutely Zero!!!!!!! I expect to see the entire Class of 1964 at the 50th Reunion. We all need to be together at least once last time. Of course, you will get this same message on the 51st. However, I am serious about the 50th. I don't have a date yet but mark your calendar anyway and put your pennies in the jar for the trip.

Love and Hugs to All
Happy Holidays


Friday, December 2, 2011

October, 2010 Social Pictures

Message from Janie on October, 2010

Wow! What another incredible evening! Besides myself and Gary, there was JB Rowan, Gary Neel, Jim Miller, Larry Cooper, Bev Keller Surber, Penny White Hendricks, Jacki Patton, Bev Douglas Wilhoit, Cathi Coffing Weliever, Sherry Horney Long and Penny Zachary Middleton. I don't know who did the most talking or had the most fun. The boys discussed situations I can't write about regarding when they went to basic training. Now all I can say is - Is this really our boys?! There were some very tall tales told. I realize you guys out of town want to know but - as always - all of us there are sworn to secrecy. But I'll make you a deal. When you all come to the 50th I'll tell you these secrets! I only promised not to write about it!!!! We had great food - as always. Gary really enjoyed his visit. As usual, old memories were relived and new memories were made. I wish all of you could make these mini-reunions. But I guess if you did, it wouldn't be mini - would it. We all visited and talked for about 4 hours. We laughed and also had a couple of serious moments. It is amazing what you can recall. Most of us were from Tuttle. So there was lots to recall - Maude Warbinton, Ms Foster, Ms Rich and of course, our dear Principal - Clyde Gentry. Circle Ball - Tuttle vs John Beard at the basketball games. Oh, speaking of basketball - that reminds me of our cheerleaders in high school. Gary and JB told some interesting stories about how they watched the cheerleaders practice when they were supposed to be in a locked gym. Sherry learned a lot and swears it is not true. Here is one for you that we discussed. Remember Pep Block and Boys ABC Pep Block? We did. We talked about how there is no school spirit anymore. We discussed how we made that gym shake, rattle and roll - literally! Our school vibrated with SPIRIT!!!!! Remember all the formations the Pep Block made? How can I write about all of this. Gary said he will never forget the vibrations and the gym actually shaking! We all did. Think back all of you about our formations, our spirit, our dedication, our school - Our Class!! Those were the days!! But you know what? Every time we visit with a class mate we remind ourselves of something different and make new days. I try my best to share with you but it is just impossible to relate everything. We have such good times remembering. I want to thank Gary for taking the time out of his schedule to visit with all of us. We truly enjoyed seeing him and look forward to his next visit. He promised to be at the 50th also. Don't forget, if you are coming home, let me know and we will have some fun with you also.

I will close in saying this - I want to thank each and every one of you for all your kind mail to me. Just knowing you enjoy these crazy mails makes my day!! I'm so proud to be a part of the Class of 64 and more than that - I'm so happy to be a part of your lives.

Everyone take care and stay in touch. Start now making plans for our 50th. It is going to be the best reunion any class at CHS has ever had. Promise!!!!!!!!

Love You All -

Gary Garver, JB Rowan

Janie Jones-Ryan, Larry Cooper

Jim Miller, Gary Neel

Jim Miller, Gary Neel (hidden), Larry Cooper, Janie Jones-Ryan, Jacki Pattton, Bev Keller-Surber

Janie Jones-Ryan, JB Rowan, Sherry Horney-Long, Bev Keller-Surber

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Family Updates From Stoney

Bob Stonecipher


We just returned from a wonderful Thanksgiving with our oldest daughter and favorite granddaughter in Columbia , SC. Joining us was my daughter’s special friend and his oldest son.
We have many things for which to be thankful. Those near the top of the list include:
1] My wife’s complete surprise that I have never regretted retiring. Retirement is a ball.
2] Despite a company closing, cutbacks, and threats of layoffs, both my daughters and their loved ones survived the year with their dreams intact.
3] My granddaughter’s father [and my former son-in-law] recently transferred from Afghanistan to Qatar . Hopefully he will remain there until January when he returns to his National Guard unit.
4] Our granddaughter remains undaunted in her freshman year at Clemson University . She certainly did not acquire her serene confidence from her paternal grandparents.
I probably should have added to the list the fun I had when we returned to Atlanta and read all of the emails. It was more fun than trying to find room for a second piece of pie following my daughter’s Thanksgiving feast. The Athens city of Indiana certainly has produced a wonderful group of people. Would everyone allow David Walls to post these responses into his web site? Assuming David would agree, of course. I think a “Day in the life of the Class of 64” would be enjoyed by all.

Finally. O.K. Galloway . Son, how did you get a yacht into the mountains of Afghanistan !??...or is that Tora Bora?

Camille Dills-Bayless


Hi Janie and the class of 64!

Had a great day with my husband's side of the family! Went to my sister-in-laws and ate and celebrated our great niece's first birthday! I love the smash cakes they have for babies now! How times have changed! Gobble Gobble to all!!


T. J. (Terry) Burns

Good morning Janie. Please share with our classmates of 64’ how good it was to hear their blessings and activities during this Thanksgiving season. I drove my Mother (90) from Crawfordsville to Indy for our family Thanksgiving Day Dinner. Lots to eat and ate too much and too fast. My Daughter Abbi and her new husband Josh joined me. We have many things to be thankful for such as our good health and a job. But most of all I’m thankful for our troops overseas and in the US who were not able to join their families during this special day. May God be with them and help them survive their hostile environment. May all our classmates enjoy this beautiful time of the year.

T.J. Burns

Dennis Crosby


Sorry about the late post, but never look at the work email at home. Very fortunate to be still working and keeping busy.

Burma and I spent the Holiday as usual here in Tulsa with just the 2 of us and the turkey, which we had for all 4 days of the weekend (leftover). Talked to both my sister Diane in Crawfordsville and brother Mike in Salt Lake City. Thanks so much for the Bday wishes and card. It's most enjoyable to see the signatures on the card.


Frank Hoover


Hi to everyone from Frank Hoover,

My family and I are thankful for all of God's blessings. These days Health is at the top of importance.
We went to Plano Texas for the Holiday to visit with Lorna and Husband, Larry and wife and Larry's daughter Rachel and her husband. Yours truly helped cook the meal as my mother and wife were not feeling well. It was an excellent meal with a cornucopia of selection.

Mom Is staying with Lorna in Texas for the winter as the cold is getting to her.

Happy birthday to all of the December classmates and may God bless your days and health.
Gloria and I are looking to being there on the 50th reunion. I hope all of us are there.

Frank Hoover

Susan Haller

Happy Thanksgiving to you and the class of 1964! Diana and I are spending a quiet day at home. The weather is perfect. We lawn bowl tomorrow and hopefully we'll work off the extra pounds. We are off to Chicago to visits family next week and then to our place in northern California for the holidays.
Best wishes to all and I hope that you have a wonderful holiday with family and friends.

Susan Haller

Gary Gerry Garver


Winter has arrived here in MN so Robin and I watched them plow our streets while we sat in the hot tub having a martini....


John Highbaugh

December, 2011


Ron Hummel

December, 2011

To all the members of the CHS of 1964. May you all enjoy a safe and wonderful holiday season with friends and family.I will be MCing two events, one tonight and one tomorrow. See I do more than just seminars!I will be alone this year, as my wonderful wife Chary is in Puerto Rico with her family. Not able to go this year with the two events scheduled during her trip.May God bless and watch over you all.

Ron Hummel
Mr. Motivation

To ALL my friends and family: Enjoy today and give thanks for what you have. Do NOT dwell on what you don't have, because if you have family and friends you are blessed. Please be safe and enjoy!
